Placon is a pioneer in post-consumer recycled solutions and leads the way in helping companies create responsible packaging. Placonomics articles will serve to educate and create conversations around the progress to a circular economy in packaging.
February 29: What Does Sustainability Mean?
In this blog post, we discuss the three pillars of sustainability and plastic’s role in creating a circular economy.
December 14: Recycling's Impacts on Communities
In this blog, we discuss the positive impacts recycling has on surrounding communities!
November 30: Single-Stream vs. Source Separating Recyclingra
In this blog, we discuss the difference between single-stream and source-separation recycling!
November 16: National Recycling Day
In this blog, we discuss the history and importance of National Recycling Day!
November 2: Banning Single-Use Plastic Bottles
In this blog, we discuss Massachusetts ban on single-use plastic bottles and what it can do for the environment!
October 19: Operation Clean Sweep
In this blog, we discuss Operation Clean Sweep and what they do to help reduce plastic resin loss!
October 5: Recycling is Real Campaign
In the blog, we discuss PLASTICS new Recycling is Real campaign!
September 21: Carbon Offsetting and Carbon Credits
In this blog, we discuss what carbon offsetting and carbon credits are, and how they may not be what they seem!
September 7: Corporate Sustainability Response Directive
In this blog, we discuss the EUs new sustainability reporting directive!
August 24: Plastics Crucial Contribution
In this blog, we discuss the crucial role plastics play in our everyday lives!
August 10: Advancements in Advanced Recycling
In this blog, we discuss what states and companies are doing to help grow advanced recycling throughout the country!
July 27: Canada's Ban on Single-Use Plastics
In this blog, we discuss the Canadian ban on single-use plastics and what the unintended environmental costs of this ban could be!
July 13: The Truth Behind Compostable Packaging
In this blog, we discuss what is often left out when it comes to compostable packaging, and how it compares to recycling!
June 22: Beyond Plastic
In this blog, we discuss how life cycle assessments help determine a material’s sustainability and how plastic compares to other materials!
June 8: Promoting Recycling to the Community
In this blog, we discuss ways to promote recycling within the community to help boost rates!
May 25: How Do MRFs Work?
In this blog, we discuss what materials recovery facilities do and how they can help recycle and recover materials!
May 11: New Recycling Legislation
In this blog, we discuss new legislation regarding recycling that has been passed or proposed in 2023!
April 27: Can We Meet RPET Demands?
In this blog, we discuss the increased demand for RPET and what to do to help meet the new demand!
April 13: Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
In this blog, we discuss what scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are and why they are important!
March 30: The Boom of Prepackaged Salad Kits
In this blog post, we discuss the rise of pre-packaged salad kits, and what can be done to make them more sustainable!
March 16: Mass Balance Approach
In this blog, we discuss what the mass balance approach is and how it can be beneficial to back up recycled content claims!
March 2: The New Bottle Bill
In this blog, we discuss the history of bottle bills and America, and what bottle bills can do to recycling!
February 2: Zero Net Waste
In this blog, we discuss Plastic Industry Association’s Zero Net Waste program and what the benefits are of obtaining the certification!
January 19: The Environmental Savings Calculator
In this blog, we discuss one way we help our customers track their impact with our Environmental Savings Calculator!
January 12: Say Goodbye to Single Use Plastics
In this blog, we discuss what can replace single use plastics in order to fit with a circular economy!
January 5: Chemical Recycling
In this blog, we discuss what chemical recycling is and how it may be the new way of recycling in the future!
December 22: Supply Chain Sustainability
In this blog, we discuss how important a sustainable supply chain is to consumers and a few ways producers can change their own to be more sustainable!
December 15: Can You Sell Plastic in California?
In this blog, we discuss legislation that California has passed this year in regard to plastic packaging and what it means for producers!
December 8: Plastic Neutrality
In this blog, we discuss what plastic neutrality means and what companies can do to be more plastic neutral!
December 1: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
In this blog, we discuss the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how companies can use them as a guide for their sustainability goals!
November 17: Carbon Footprint and Carbon Neutrality
In this blog, we discuss what these terms mean and how they relate to the world of plastic!
November 10: Worldwide PVC Bans
In this blog, we discuss countries around the world are banning PVC, why they are doing so, and what it means for producers!
November 3: Manufacturing PCR
In this blog, we discuss how we turn old PET bottles and thermoforms into material to make our products!
October 27: Circular Economy: Making the World Go Round and Round!
In this blog, we discuss what a circular economy is and how it can be applied to the world of plastics!
October 20: Extended Producer Responsibility
In this blog, we discuss what Extended Producer Responsibility means and how these new laws can affect producers!
October 13: The 7 Types of Plastic
In this blog, we discuss what the different types of plastic are, and how to identify which plastic is which!
October 6: What Happened to Green Plastic Bottles
In this blog, we discuss Coca-Cola’s decision to phase out the green bottles for their iconic drinks!
September 29: Walmart Project Gigaton
In this blog, we discuss how Walmart is combating climate change with Project Gigaton, and how producers can get involved!
September 22: Plastic, Aluminum, Glass, and Paper
In this blog, we compare the environmental effects each packaging type has, and discuss plastics reputation when it comes to sustainability!
September 15: The American Recycling System
In this blog, we discuss the issues with the current recycling system, and things we should do to try to fix it!
September 8: Invention of the BlisterBox
In this blog, we discuss the history of the BlisterBox, beginning with where it all started and including how we were able to create a more sustainable yet effective packaging solution!
August 11: Sustainable Solutions for Medical Packaging
In this blog, we discuss ways to practice sustainability when it comes to making medical packaging!
August 4: Extending Food Shelf-Life
In this blog, we discuss the damage of food waste and how plastic can help reduce the amount of food wasted, benefitting everyone!
July 28: Be Aware of Bioplastics
In this blog, we discuss how bioplastics may not be as eco-friendly as we previously thought!
July 21: Flexible vs. Rigid Plastic
In this blog, we explain the differences between flexible and rigid plastics, how to dispose of them, and which is better for the environment!
July 14: PCR vs. PIR
In this blog, we talk about theĀ differences between post-consumer and post-industrial recycled plastic!
July 7: Are You Ready For New State Recycling Mandates?
In this blog, we talk about what new regulations are coming down the pipeline and how you can prepare for them!